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I'm a proprietary format. But I'm cross-platform anyway. I can get along with this ehe
Greetings mercenaries!
About "Seven Cool Mono Apps"
I just read the last column on O'Reilly network here by Edd Dumbhill:
Because decoding audio itself isn't a simple process, there aren't any all-Mono ways of doing this yet. Instead, Muine uses the "p-invoke" facility of Mono to hook into the C-based multimedia library libxine. Calling C code from Mono doesn't require any supplemental C coding, unlike most other languages such as Perl or Python.
I would say that he is quite completely wrong. He maybe doesn't know anything about ctypes module, which is a rather complete and useful way to call functions inside compiled dynamic libraries.
You can find ctypes here with a little tutorial here. And now a little example, just to convince you about what I'm saying:
>>> from ctypes import *
>>> print cdll.msvcrt.time(None)
>>> print hex(windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(None))
See you to my next post